FREE Download Film: Resident Evil 2 [Apocalipse] 2004 HD

Resident Evil 2 (2004)

Resident Evil 2 Apocalipse

Release Date: 15 Maret 2002 
Genre: Action 
| Petualangan | Horror 
Stars: Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez Dan Colin Salmon 
Resolution: ---------

IN: Sinopsis Resident Evil 2 (2004)

Wabah virus mencapai permukaan dan dalam upaya untuk mengandung infeksi, Walikota Timothy Cain segel semua jalan keluar ke dan dari Raccoon City. Di antara orang-orang yang terjebak di kota ini adalah Jill Valentine dan pasangannya Peyton Wells. Setelah Alice terbangun dari komanya, dia menyelamatkan Jill dan Peyton dari sekelompok Lickers yang lolos The Hive. Mereka kemudian dihubungi oleh Dr Charles Ashford yang mengaku tahu dari titik evakuasi di kota dalam pertukaran untuk menyelamatkan putrinya Angela Ashford, yang terjebak dalam Raccoon City. Kelompok ini juga belajar Umbrella berencana untuk membakar Raccoon City untuk menyingkirkan T-Virus.

Dalam perjalanan mereka untuk menyelamatkan Angela, Nemesis menyerang tim setelah diperintahkan oleh Kain untuk membunuh semua anggota STARS. Setelah penyelamatan Angela, mereka kemudian membuat jalan mereka ke helikopter evakuasi dengan Carlos Olivera , yang telah jatuh ke Raccoon City dan ditinggalkan oleh Umbrella. Setelah konfrontasi Alice dengan Kain dan Nemesis, yang meninggalkan dua yang terakhir mati, tim terbang dari Raccoon City karena sedang dibersihkan oleh bom nuklir. Helikopter jatuh di Pegunungan Arklay.

Sebuah Alice terluka dibawa ke Detroit stasiun penelitian Payung di mana dia mendapat kloning oleh Dr Sam Isaacs. Ketika ia terbangun, ia lolos fasilitas dan menampilkan kekuatan yang luar biasa, dia kemudian diusir oleh Jill dan Carlos yang menyamar sebagai karyawan Payung. Ketika mereka pergi, berkedip logo Payung di mata Alice dan negara komputer Isaacs "Project Alice Activated".

EN: Resident Evil 2 (2004) Sinopsis

Outbreaks of the virus reaches the surface and in an attempt to contain the infection , Mayor Timothy Cain seals all exits to and from Raccoon City . Among the people who are stuck in this town is a partner Jill Valentine and Peyton Wells . After Alice woke from his coma , he saved Jill and Peyton from a group of Lickers who escaped The Hive . They were then contacted by Dr. Charles Ashford who claimed to know of the evacuation point in the city in exchange for saving his daughter Angela Ashford , who are trapped in Raccoon City . The group is also studying plans to burn Umbrella Raccoon City to get rid of the T - Virus .
On their way to rescue Angela , Nemesis attacking team after being ordered by Cain to kill all STARS members . After the rescue Angela , they then made ​​their way to the evacuation helicopter with Carlos Olivera , who has fallen into Raccoon City and abandoned by Umbrella . After a confrontation with Cain Alice and Nemesis , which left two dead last , the team flew out of Raccoon City as it is being cleaned up by a nuclear bomb . The helicopter crashed in the Arklay Mountains .

An Alice wounded were taken to Detroit Umbrella research station where he gets cloned by Dr. Sam Isaacs . When he woke up , he escapes the facility and displays tremendous strength , he was later expelled by Jill and Carlos , disguised as Umbrella employees . When they go , Umbrella logo flashes in the eyes of Alice and state computer Isaacs " Project Alice Activated " .

Alice ( Milla Jovovich ) once the security operation is working for Corporation until his memory erased by the Red Queen nerve gas . As the team tries to escape the Hive , an Umbrella test subject escaped and called Licker team pursuit . When they reached the train that brought them to the exit , and scratches Licker attacks Matt before Alice could kill him . When they reach the surface , taken by Matt Umbrella workers and he eventually turned into Nemesis . Alice wakes from a coma to hit Raccoon City after the outbreak of the T - Virus .


File Name: Resident Evil 2
Type File: Mkv
File Size: 1 Gb
Source: DVDRIP (1080p)
Download: Resident Evil 2 (2004)
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