Hi kawan Kage's Blog's J Bagi kalian yang suka main game The Sims berarti sangat pas sekali karena kali ini Kage's Blog's akan membahas tentang Cheat permainan The Sims di PC. The Sims merupakan game Strategy dimana kita harus mengatur kehidupan karakter namun semua bebas terserah kita yang menjalankan J Game ini banyak sekali peminatnya dan merupakan game yang banyak dimainkan di Dunia karena sangat populernya The Sims telah ada hingga beberapa Versi. Namun Cheat kali ini hanya untuk The Sims pertama J
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KLAPAUCIUS - Give Money $1000WATER TOOL – Water arroind at homeCAM_MODE - Camera ToggleMUSIC - Music toggleSOUND - Sound toggleHTML - Web page creation toggleSOUNDEVENT - Toggle sound eventRELOAD_PEOPLE - Total reload of skins, animations, suits, peopleSET HOUR -set (1-24) what time you want to get upSETSPEED -(-1000 to +1000)SIM_SPEED <-1000-1000> - Set sim speedINTERESTS -it will let you change your personalitys and interestsAUTONMY -let's the sims to think on their own (0-100)GROW GRASS -make the grass tall or short (0-150)MANSION - The Best HouseBUBBLE_TWEAK - Set thought bubble z offsetASSERT - Force assert to testSIM_LOG END - Stop sim loggingSIM_LOG BEGIN - Start sim loggingDEBUG_SOCIAL - Show social dialogue choicesDRAW_ORIGINS - Show person's originDUMP_HAPPY - Send person's recent interactions to fileDUMP_MC - Send person's motive contribution curve to fileEDIT_GRASS - Make grass change valueLOT SIZE - set lot sizeEDIT CHAR - Create a character modeDRAW_ROUTES ON - Show person's routeDRAW_ROUTES OFF -Show people's Route offHISTORY - Save family history fileHIST_ADD - Add new family history stat to familyIMPORT - Import Family fileVISITOR_CONTROL - Toggle to control visitors with keyboardLOG MASK - Set event logging maskDRAW_FLOORABLE ON - Enable floorable gridDRAW_FLOORABLE OFF - Disable floorable gridMAP EDIT ON - map edit onMAP EDIT OFF - map edit offMOVE_OBJECTS - Move any objectPREVIEW_ANIMS ON - Preview animations onPREVIEW_ANIMS OFF - Preview animations offPREPARE_LOT - Fix required lot objectsROTATION - Rotate cameraROUTE BALOONS ON - Enable basic tutorialROUTE BALOONS OFF - Disable basic tutorialLOG MASK - Event logging mask setDRAW ALL FRAMES ON - Draw all framesDRAW ALL FRAMES OFF - Disable draw all framesTILE INFO ON - Show tile infoTILE INFO OFF - Hide tile infoSWEEP ON - Enable ticksSWEEP OFF - Disable ticks
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